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The Flyer Life ...

Life at St. Joseph High School is more than just academics. We take pride in making sure our students have the opportunity to grow in multiple areas including their faith, fine arts and through various clubs and organizations.


STJ Fight Song
Go Flyers, fight for your name
Fight for your colors, fight for your fame.
Send the ball on down the end
'cause we're going to fight and we're going to win. 
We never stagger we never fall
We just keep going on with the ball. 
All you fans of STJ we're down on the goal again! 

School Song
Come and join our happy chorus, 
Raise aloft a mighty cheer, 
While we loudly chant the praises, 
Of our School with voices clear;

And the learning of whose scholars, 
No one can in truth deny; 
Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!
For St. Joseph HIgh!

We are proud St. Joseph students to be;
Proud to bear its great and noble name; 
And our aim in life will ever be, 
To increase its glory and its fame.

Then Hurrah! For good St. Joseph High
May we ever be its joy and pride, 
May we e're stand loyal at its side, 
Once more Hurrah! For good St. Joseph High!

School Colors
Blue and White




STJ Game Guard Shirt - Orders Due October 2

Open House