Ms. Ann Brogger
Guidance Office
361.573.2446 x222
Ms. Jennifer Carson
Guidance Office
361-573-2446 x232
STJ Service Verification Form - Click Here
Blessed William Joseph Chaminade said, “We are all missionaries and we consider ourselves on a permanent mission.” Ours is an “apostolic faith” and as such, St. Joseph High School offers students an opportunity to connect the knowledge and skill they learn in the classroom with how it can be used to help others or transform the conditions in their community. The reflection component of Christian Service Learning encourages students to question why service and transformation are necessary, what changes have to be made, who needs to be served, what motivation move one to serve, and act upon how adaptations and changes might be practically effected.
The Christian Service Learning Program requires service hours of all grade level students. Students receive 1⁄2 credit for the junior year and 1⁄2 credit for the senior year. The following are the requirements for the current school year:
Freshmen: 5 hours
Sophomores: 10 hours
Juniors: 25 hours
Seniors: 25 hours