The objective with the study of world languages is for students to obtain mastery of those languages, meaning the ability to read literature published in the language and to converse with a considerable amount of fluency and accuracy. By the end of their two year of study, our students should generally be able to understand that language spoken at normal speed by a native speaker, to speak with a pronunciation and intonation acceptable to a native speaker, to read a newspaper, magazine, and most non-technical contemporary writings with comprehension in addition to other literature, and should have acquired an awareness and appreciation of the values and cultures of the people whose language is being studied.
Faculty Members
Ms. Veronica McManus
Spanish I
1 Credit ~ 2 Semesters ~ Prerequisite: None
Students will develop communication skills in listening, reading and writing Spanish. The cultures of the Hispanic world will also be studied.
Spanish II
1 Credit ~ 2 Semesters ~ Pre-requisite: Successful completion of Spanish I or Credit by Exam
Students will resume building communication skills through listening, reading, writing and speaking in the language. Structure of the language learned will be reviewed and new vocabulary and grammar will be mastered. The Hispanic culture will be explored.
Spanish III Honors
1 Credit ~ 2 Semesters ~ Prerequisite: Successful completion of Spanish II, fulfillment of honors requirements and teacher recommendations, Grades 10-12
Spanish 3 is an honors course that continues the student’s understanding of and appreciation for the Spanish language. The primary focus is the student’s improvement of their listening, reading, speaking and writing skills in Spanish. Students will continue to learn new vocabulary and grammar, but will also further explore the vibrant cultures of Spanish-speaking countries and peoples through studying, analyzing, and discussing various media including film, music and literature. The course is fast-paced and assumes that the student has a firm grasp of most concepts taught in Spanish 1 and Spanish 2.
Spanish IV AP
1 Credit ~ 2 Semesters ~ Prerequisite: Successful completion of Spanish III Honors, Grades 10-12
AP Spanish Language and Culture is equivalent to an intermediate level college course in Spanish. Students cultivate their understanding of Spanish language and culture by applying interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational modes of communication in real-life situations as they explore concepts related to family and communities, personal and public identities, beauty and aesthetics, science and technology, contemporary life, and global challenges.